Want to become a member?
Becoming a member of S.A.R is not hard at all.
There are only a few rules:
- You have to be 18 years of age or older
- Be nice, be helpful and be welcoming to all genders, ethnicities, religions and sexualities.
So how do you become a member?
First of all, you have to pay the membership-fee.
The member-fee for 2023 is 250kr and gives you a full membership until the end of december 2023.
If you join us late in the season, after October 1st 2023, your membership is valid for 2024 also.
You can send it to us either by Swish 123 073 52 90 or by bankgiro 5332-1808.
Make sure to put you full name and year of birth in the text.
After this you have to register yourself in our database.
You have to do this every year to be able to take part of the insurance and other benefits.
New for 2023
If you are a team or association, you can now join SAR as a group.
You'll even get a discount based on how many you are.
More than 10 people - 225kr per person
More than 20 people - 200kr per person
More than 30 people - 175kr per person
More than 40 people - 150kr per person
To use this discount, contact us via the contact form HERE
After this you apply to the private facebookgroup for members only.
We also have a forum for those who don't use Facebook:
New for 2022 we are also on Discord
Invite link can be found in the facebook-group and in our quarterly news-letter
Welcome to Swedish Airsoft Regiment