New in airsoft?
We have all been new in this sport once.
As an airsoft-community we want to help all beginners get their foot on the field and support each other. If you're a complete rookie, don't own any gear but want to try it out
- feel free to contact us.
We might be able to hook you up with someone to rent gear and there's always someone from S.A.R on the field who can be there as moral support and a friend if you come alone.
Please use our "contact-page" and write to us if you're a solo-player who needs friends to run with or a rookie who need support and we'll make sure to hook you up with someone to play with.
As a member of Swedish Airsoft Regiment you get a network of a bunch of swedish airsofters to connect and play with. There's also teams to join if you're more of a teamplayer.
Kind regards,
The board members of S.A.R